Steering Committee Meeting of the Competence Centre for Work and Artificial Intelligence (KompAKI) in Darmstadt
On 8 and 9 November, the Competence Centre for Work and Artificial Intelligence (KompAKI) invited the project sponsor, all partners from research and industry and the members of the advisory board to the first face-to-face meeting of the steering committee in Darmstadt.
Autumn meeting of the STADT:up sub-project Human Factors in Darmstadt
On 20 and 21 November 2023, the autumn meeting of the Human Factors sub-project in the STADT:up project successfully took place at TU Darmstadt.
Successful Doctoral Examination for Yanlong Gao
Congratulations on passing the disputation!
Get to know Digital Pioneers with “AssistIng”
Get to know use cases for digitalization in production!
Picture: IADPicture: IAD
Data collection for the evaluation of a novel exoskeleton from Hilti AG
From 04.10.2023 to 10.10.2023, IAD conducted trials to evaluate a new type of exoskeleton being developed by Hilti AG to support users in carrying out chiselling work.
Picture: https://www.felice-project.eu/Picture: https://www.felice-project.eu/
Meeting of the H2020 EU project FELICE in Melfi, Italy
The FELICE consortium met at the end of September to integrate the technologies developed for the FELICE system.
4th Consortium Meeting of the BMBF Project “CyberTech” in Mannheim
On September 26th 2023 the consortium of the project “CyberTech” met in Mannheim to start the last project year together.
Digitalisierung hautnah: Veranstaltungen im Oktober 2023
Seminar der Doktorand:innen in Annweiler am Trifels
Principles of External Human Machine Interfaces (eHMIs) for Automated Driving identified
In a publication entitled “Principles for External Human-Machine Interfaces”, researchers from the German Aerospace Centre, Continental Automotive Technologies GmbH and the Technical Universities of Chemnitz, Munich and Darmstadt have presented new findings on the safe integration of autonomous vehicles into traffic. This groundbreaking study was published in the renowned journal Information.