Picture: IADPicture: IAD
Doctoral seminar in Annweiler am Trifels
New Design Enhances Functionality for Mobile Devices
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Spin-off yuna at the IAD
Based on a thesis at the IAD the former students of the TU Darmstadt Vitalij Hilsendeger, Waldemar Rupps and Felix Beinenz founded the start-up “Yuna”. The company develops and sells an app for tablet computers which makes the Internet accessible to older people. The design is modified on the basis of their own studies. The fully functional app is designed to make communicating with friends and relatives, enjoying a variety of entertainment services and online shopping as easy as possible for the elderly. The spin-off is supported by an EXIST start-up grant from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy and is affiliated to the IAD.
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Successful PhD Examination at IAD
On 10th of July 2019, Lukas Bier successfully defended his dissertation with the title: “Gamification for the prevention of monotonous fatigue in vehicle driving – in comparison to driver-passenger interaction” Congratulations on passing the PhD examination!
HiWi gesucht!
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TU meet & move 2019 – Ultramarathon & Uni-Olympiade
Hiwi gesucht
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Kolloquium Mensch + Fahrzeug 2019
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IAD Strategietag im leap in time lab
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65. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft 2019