Competence & Organisational Development

Information about this research topic

The second field of competence deals with topics related to the flexibilisation of work. Increasing digitization makes spatially and temporally mobile working possible. In addition to the necessary technical infrastructure, the role of the leader and the guided person must be reorganised in this context.

Exemplary topics are:

  • Effects and design of mobile working (in time and space)
  • Measurability of task completion & performance (for knowledge work)
  • Leadership in flexible forms of work
  • Ergonomically designing shift work

Reference Projects

Development of cooperative AI for the working world of tomorrow.

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The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Darmstadt network supports small and medium-sized enterprises in the implementation of Industrie 4.0 as well as topics in the field of future AI technology in their companies by offering free information events, workshops and training courses.

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The use of digital technologies in the construction sector is rare compared to other industries. Small businesses in particular, which are numerous in construction, find it difficult to meet the challenges of the transition to digital technologies. The potential of digitalisation in the construction industry, however, is enormous. In order to promote a more efficient as well as budget- and schedule-safe construction process, methods of Artificial Intelligence for the support of construction management cannot be neglected.

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