Ergonomics & Human Factors
The research group "Human & Organization" has set itself the task of optimally adapting organizational structures and processes to human beings on the one hand, and on the other hand to consider human beings in their role as organizational members and prepare them for organizational changes.
In addition to classical questions of health in the work context (KF1), the research focuses in particular on the current topic of digitization. The entry of digital media into the world of work makes it possible to work at any time and any place. However, this ideal is linked to organisational and individual conditions. The research group deals with questions of flexibilisation and leadership in flexible structures (KF2) as well as with the necessary competences in the age of digital working environments (KF3). The influence of individual competencies on organizational performance as well as the influence of different organizational designs on the development of human competencies is taken into account. A further field is represented by innovations such as artificial intelligence and cognitive assistance systems (KF4). Processes can be optimised by using such technologies, but the prerequisite for such use is the creation of acceptance among employees.