Study on the introduction of the "4 day week" working-time model


A company in the construction industry plans to introduce a new working-time model: The “four-day week”. In this working-time model, the number of working days per week is reduced from five to four. Thus, Friday will be a day off for all employees. As a result the weekly working time will be reduced from 38 to 36 hours, which will be spread out between Monday and Thursday.


This collaborative project aims to scientifically prepare and monitor the working-time model.


First of all, a work analysis is carried out in the company and all employees are interviewed about their work activity, workload and motivation, as well as relevant personal aspects in the status quo. During the month-long pilot phase of the 4-day week, the employees are accompanied by interviews. At the end of the pilot phase, they are conclusively surveyed.


Activity overviews, time saving potentials, work attitude and personal circumstances of the employees were available before the pilot phase. These were used to develop recommendations for the design of the pilot phase. An evaluation of the pilot phase is the final result.