The first field of competence covers issues relating to the health of people in their role as employees. The aim is to adapt work processes and organisational conditions to people and their needs.
Exemplary topics are:
- Mental stress and strain
- Individual and organisational resilience
- Occupational health and safety in non-manufacturing industries
Reference Projects

The profession of train driver has undergone many changes in recent times, such as changes in organisational structures, new rolling stock, additional technical equipment, changes in the rules and regulations and the assumption of additional tasks. These developments have led to a comprehensive analysis of the stresses and strains on train drivers.
A company in the construction industry is planning to implement a new working time model in the company: The “4 days week”. This working time model provides for the reduction of weekly working days from five to four, whereby Friday is to become a day off for all employees in the future. As part of the measure, the working week will be reduced from 38 to 34 hours, which will then be spread over the days Monday to Thursday.