Medical applications and products have to meet particularly high requirements in terms of usability and ergonomics in order to eliminate safety-critical user errors or fatigue as far as possible. Therefore, the research group Human-Machine-Interaction and Mobility is especially dedicated to medical applications. With recourse to a broad inventory of methods, different products from the medical field are examined under aspects of ergonomics and usability and design guidelines are derived for them.
The ergonomic issues here concern on the one hand user and patient comfort as a function of anthropometric body dimensions and on the other hand medical devices with a focus on handling, handle design, weight and weight distribution.
When designing medical products according to the standards of usability, all stages of the human-centered design process ensure that a high degree of usability and user experience is achieved. In doing so, a standard-compliant implementation according to DIN 62366-1 is considered.
Our inventory of methods ranges from interview, questionnaire and participant observation studies, usability tests and workshops to the use of (psycho-)physiological measures such as EMG or eye-tracking.
Previous projects include ergonomic consulting for the redesign of clinical equipment and highly specialized laboratory technology. In addition, IAD maintains a strategic cooperation with manufacturers of digital health applications, focusing on ensuring a high level of usability.