FormBetrieb I

Below you will find a short summary of the project. For further information please contact the project managers via the contact button on the right side.


At present, train dispatchers in the various control centres have access to paper rulebooks in which they can look up the correct sequence of action in the event of a fault. However, these regulations are very complex, both in terms of content and presentation. Thus, they do not provide adequate support, especially in areas where the validity of the rulebooks overlaps.


The aim of the project is therefore to develop a procedure for the creation and target group-oriented presentation of a new digital guideline that promotes competence-based action by train dispatchers.


In the course of the project, observations and interviews will be carried out in order to record the context of use of the new digital guideline. Furthermore, potential forms of presentation of digital regulations will be researched and evaluated, and a pretotype of the new digital guideline will be created and evaluated.


DB Netz AG

Institut für Bahnsysteme und Bahntechnik

Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors