Research Associate
Michael Kutscher studied psychology at the Technical University Darmstadt (diploma), with the major subjects industrial, organisational and educational psychology and ergonomics as secondary subject.
During and following his studies, he provided trainings, coachings as well as consulting and IT services as a freelancer for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Darmstadt-Dieburg region. From 2014 till 2021 he was a Manager Human Factors Training at Lufthansa Aviation Training, primary responsible for the leadership development of Lufthansa flight crews, alongside other training areas in aviation and medicine.
Since july 2021, he is a research associate at the IAD in the research group Human & Organization, with focus on occupational health management in high-risk environments like aviation and medicine.
Selection of completed student these
- Wuttke, C. (2022). Impact of an AI leader on employee's job satisfaction. Masterthesis, TU Darmstadt.
- Marinets, V. (2023). Evaluation of a Survey Instrument to Assess Business and Human-Related Impacts on Work through AI Applications. Coursework, TU Darmstadt.
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