M.Sc. Maximilian Pätzold

Research Associate

Maximilian Pätzold studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt. His focus was on ergonomics and virtual product development. In his studies, he completed a one-year laboratory study in the fields of industrial robotics and human-robot collaboration in Japan. His master's thesis focused on the effect of passive exoskeletons on blood flow.

Since February 2021, he has been working as a research associate at IAD in the area of Work Assessment & Workplace Design.

Selection of completed student theses

  • Eggert, H. (2022). Implementation and Evaluation of the Ergonomic and User-Adaptive Workpiece Positioning for an Adaptive Workstation. Bachelorthesis, TU Darmstadt.
  • Taube, J. (2021). Design and Evaluation of an Ergonomic and User-Adaptive Workpiece Positioning Process for Adaptive Workstations. Bachelorthesis, TU Darmstadt.
  • Reinhardt, C. (2021). Development and Execution of a Laboratory Study to Examine the Blood Flow with NIRS in the Shoulder Muscles when Performing Static Overhead Work with Passive Exoskeleton. Masterthesis, TU Darmstadt.


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