Yusuf Arslanparcasi

Research Associate

Yusuf Arslanparcasi studied psychology at the Swiss Universities of Basel and Fribourg. Before that, he studied business administration at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Over the course of his studies he focussed on the influence of emotions on human behaviour. On the one hand regarding usability and user experience research, on the other hand within the scope of decision psychology. In his Master’s thesis, he dealt with Rational Choice Theory (RCT), which assumes that decision makers act rationally, and studied the relevance of emotions for judgement.

Since 2020, he has been working as a research assistant at the IAD in the research group “Human and Organization”, where he is concerned with issues relating to work and organisational psychology, such as organisational culture, safety culture, resilience, learning within organisations, work organisation as well as new modes of leadership and collaboration.

He contributes to different research projects, including „Advanced Systems Engineering für die Arbeitsgestaltung von Cyber-technischen Systemen (CyberTech)”. He is earning his Ph.D. within this research endeavour, dealing with aspects of organisational culture with regard to cyber-physical systems. Apart from his work at the IAD, Yusuf Arslanparcasi spends his time with performance art like theatre and DJ’ing.

Selection of completed student theses

  • Paryani, N. (2021). Systematic Analysis of Literature and Findings on Psychological Well-Being at Work. Studienarbeit, TU Darmstadt.
  • Pietralla, T. (2021). Examination of Learning Culture and Its Relation to Virtual Communication. Bachelor thesis, TU Darmstadt.
  • Hammel, F. (2020). Derivation of a Competence Model for Advanced Systems Engineering. Master thesis, TU Darmstadt.


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  • Arslanparcasi, Y. (2022). Von der klassischen Weiterbildung zur virtuellen Lernkultur. Arbeit und Digitalisierung. Warum Digitalisierung besser mit einer partizipativen Arbeitskultur gelingt (S. 24–26). Begleitforschung Mittelstand-Digital.
  • Arslanparcasi, Y. (2021, June 13-18). Work Engagement’s Importance for Safety Culture [presentation]. 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Vancouver (virtual conference).